
Sponsor Spotlight: Wells Fargo

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Wells Fargo has long been an investor in our community. For over a decade, Wells Fargo has supported Solano-Napa Habitat for Humanity philanthropically and through volunteerism. Their partnership with Solano-Napa Habitat for Humanity is a shining example of their commitment to making a tangible difference. As a current Platinum Sponsor on the Woolner Avenue 3-home build in Fairfield, Wells Fargo has demonstrated not only their financial support, but also their dedication to hands-on volunteering.

Chris Adame, vice president of community relations for Wells Fargo, leads the bank’s philanthropic efforts across Solano, Napa, Marin, and Contra Costa counties. In a recent interview, he shared his enthusiasm and dedication to this partnership.

“I am privileged to lead Wells Fargo’s philanthropic efforts in these counties, working with community leaders and CBOs to support our nearby communities through grant making and volunteerism,” said Adame. “As part of this work, I connect with the local Habitat affiliates, set up volunteer events, and share the news of these volunteer opportunities with our employees.”

The Woolner Avenue build is a testament to the collaborative spirit fostered between Habitat and Wells Fargo. Over the course of two volunteer build days, around 20 Wells Fargo employees rolled up their sleeves and got to work, making significant contributions to the construction of three new homes including roofing, fencing, and more.

“Habitat allows us to come into someone’s future home and be part of their story, and we are infinitely grateful for the experience,” said Adame. “Many of our folks who volunteered for the first build day returned for the second build day, showing the dedication of our employees who came from all over, including as far as Elk Grove and San Francisco.”

These volunteer experiences are not just about construction; they are about community and connection. “The first time I took part in a Habitat build, my initial thought was that it was really fun. During a lunch break, the staff briefed us on the project and we got to learn about how the partner families put in sweat equity to help build the home that they will some day own. This educational aspect was really helpful, and the meaning behind our work became evident.”

Seeing the impact of their work firsthand, the Wells Fargo volunteers realized the profound difference they were making. “What made it all come together for me was seeing, in the middle of this already established neighborhood, three new families becoming part of their community with support from their community. This is more than just putting some shingles on a roof, this is life-changing for the whole family, and the homes are beautiful,” said Adame.

The Habitat model is unique and powerful, emphasizing community buy-in and the transformative power of homeownership. At the Woolner Avenue site, this buy-in is palpable, with elected leaders, county officials, and neighbors all rallying together to support the new homeowners.

Wells Fargo’s partnership with Solano-Napa Habitat for Humanity is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when businesses, volunteers, and communities come together. Their involvement not only provides critical resources but also builds lasting bonds and transforms lives.

If you’re inspired by Wells Fargo’s investment in our community and want to get involved, consider volunteering or becoming a sponsor with Habitat. Together, we can build homes and change lives, one project at a time!

Three photos of Wells Fargo volunteers helping build a home.

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