
New Board President: Tina Norman

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We are excited to announce Tina Norman as the new Board President of Solano-Napa Habitat for Humanity. Tina, a senior loan officer with Guild Mortgage Company, began her journey with our organization in 2019. Introduced to Habitat by Gerry Raycraft, a long-time volunteer and leader, Tina initially served as a volunteer loan officer, helping us meet national affiliate standards. Her dedication and expertise led to her becoming a board member, and beginning July 1st she transitioned into her new role as board president.

With over 30 years of experience in mortgage loans, Tina’s background is invaluable to the board and organization. Her expertise in helping families secure home loans translates seamlessly to her work with Habitat. “First-time homebuyers are near and dear to my heart,” said Tina. “It was natural to help those I can’t help with a traditional loan still become homeowners.” Her passion for homeownership and her deep understanding of the local real estate landscape have been crucial in guiding our mortgage committee and ensuring our programs are inclusive and effective.

Tina’s dedication to Habitat extends beyond professional obligations, for her it’s also a personal endeavor. She has actively participated in several build days, organizing events with her local Northern Solano County Association of REALTORS® (NSCAR) group and even cooking lunch for volunteers and staff. Her commitment to helping families secure affordable housing is driven by the belief that everyone deserves a safe and stable home, knowing that many in our region cannot afford a traditional mortgage in today’s market.

“We have that chamber of our heart that needs to be filled up, and that has to do with giving to others. That’s a huge part of Habitat,” said Tina. “Everybody on our team is incredible; even our architect is amazing with how she designs every square foot with purpose and intention. I feel like every one of our volunteers and our staff members have purpose in their hearts, and we’re all here because we love the mission of helping deserving families secure affordable, safe housing.”

Looking ahead, Tina hopes Habitat homeowners will achieve financial stability and eventually buy traditional homes, passing their Habitat homes to other families in need. Please join us in welcoming her as our new Board President. We look forward to building a better future for families in Solano and Napa counties under Tina’s leadership!


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